Nagasaki Prefecture, Shinkamigoto Town
GOTO Day Commemoration "The 2nd Let's connect the inside and outside of our island with big catch flags“
A Big Catch Flag Design Competition will be held!

~ The winning works will be made into Big Catch Flags and raised on the day of the event on May 11th,2025 ~ 

In commemoration of GOTO Day (※), Shinkamigoto Town, Nagasaki Prefecture will hold the "2nd Let's Connect the inside and outside of our island with big catch flags" event (sponsored by Shima Yokatoko Ittemitai, Shinkamigoto Town,Nagasaki prefecture) in Shinkamigoto Town on Sunday, May 11th, 2025. 

(*) Shinkamigoto Town and Goto City designated May 10th as "GOTO Day" because the numbers "5" and "10" sound similar  to the Japanese pronunciation, and were registered with the Japan Memorial Day Association in 2013. 

This year, ahead of the event, a design competition for big catch flags will be held. Send us your thoughts about fish and the ocean through the design of a fishing flag. Outstanding entries will be selected and made into fishing flags to be hoisted on the day of the event. Last year, there were approximately 500 entries from all over the country, and despite bad weather on the day of the event, over 1,000 people from inside and outside the island participated.  

<Overview of the Big Catch Flag Design Competition > 

- Organizers: Shinkamigoto Town Shima Yokatoko Ittemitai 
- Supporters: Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefectural Board of Education, 
Shinkamigoto Town, Shinkamigoto Town Board of Education, Nagasaki Prefectural  
Fisheries Cooperative Association, Shinuonome Fisheries Cooperative Association,  
Shinkamigoto Town Tourism Association 
- Target audience: Preschoolers to adults 
- Application deadline: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 (postmark valid on that day) 

Big Catch Flag was used by fishing boats out at sea in the days before communication to inform people waiting on land that they had made a big catch. The flags depict sea creatures such as sea bream, shrimp, and sea turtles, which are symbols of celebrations in Japan, as well as gods, and everyone has been giving thanks for the blessings of the sea. 

Shinkamigoto Town, located in the northern part of the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, has long been blessed with rich fishing grounds that have supported the lives of the islanders. 

Now that the island is facing a decline in population, a shortage of workers due to aging, and changes in the marine environment, we hope that this competition will deepen your attachment to the sea together with everyone and provide an opportunity for people all over the world to learn about the sea of ​​Goto. 

We look forward to receiving many applications. 


Shinkamigoto Town, Shima Yokatoko Ittemitai Team 
